He Who Fights with Monsters

You never learn who you are when everything goes right. I’ve stood up for myself so much over the past year or so. And it has mostly paid off. I’ve learned I’m much stronger and more capable than I thought possible. And I assume it’s this way for everyone if they really allow it to [...]

It’s crazy having multiple dance coaches invested in my success and crazy to have real friends who seem to be too. I feel like I’m out of hibernation or waking up for the first time in years or something. It has been wild.

Dancing and Connection

For people who say they don't like to dance... I don't comprehend. "Dancing" can incite fear in folks and I don't understand why. Maybe it's preconceived notions about what dancing actually is. Movement, of any kind, can be considered dancing. Pretty much everyone moves... swaying to a song or even to the wind I consider [...]

I cannot believe this year is almost over. What a whirlwind. And if there’s anything I’ve learned it’s that you cannot wait to do what you want to do. No one is coming to save you. Save yourself. And. Getting what you want will always produce new challenges to take your growth to the next [...]