Relational Trauma: Soft Exterior Masks Silent Rage

With this short break between summer classes and the fall semester, I have had a lot of time to reflect. That can be good and bad. Nature has always been a safe haven for me. I remember running to the large garden in my backyard and hiding among the blossoms as a child to get [...]

Wellness Wednesday: Change Is Hard And Inevitable

Change will come, whether we wish it to or not. To fight it is like fighting the sunrise. Better to say, "Ah, welcome old friend. Here you are again." This quote actually comes from a children's book that I'm reading, but it's pertinent throughout life. If you've been anxiety-ridden like I have, you know that [...]

Quiet Ponderings

I laughed out loud just now. The lake seems to be waking up, though no boats come by. The lake is still a calm mirror painting of the sky, but birds are more vocal. I laughed when the flute-like sound of a bird was cut through with the flat duck quack. I wonder if it's [...]