A Moving Conversation

Most powerful conversations happen to me seemingly at random. I spoke with a colleague and friend today to pick her brain about getting tips for teaching an upcoming class. We somehow got into a conversation about exercise and how academia will allow you to work yourself ragged if you let it. I recalled seeing a [...]

2019 Reflection and 2020 Goals

I can't believe another year has gone by... time really does fly. If 2019 taught me anything, it’s that you can’t wait for people to show up for you how you want them to and the sooner you accept yourself for who you are— your true nature, the less time you’ll waste and the less [...]

Wellness Wednesday: Family and Boundaries

Don't let anyone rob you of your zen. Most people have at least one person who can easily get under their skin by a harsh comment or a sharp look, and more often than not these people are part of the family. It cuts deep when a parent shows disappointment or disgust with a choice [...]